In Canada, window collisions kill up to 42 million birds each year. Yet most of us know little about this danger, and even fewer are aware of the solutions that are available to prevent these deaths.
Welcome to 2021! It’s hard to believe that it’s already been a full year since we celebrated New York’s bird-friendly building law. Speaking of bird-friendly initiatives (and fresh starts), we thought we’d kick off the New Year by exploring various Lights Out Programs and how light pollution and window collisions affect bird populations across North America. Research...
Posted June 5th 2019 South Korean government continues to reduce bird collisions with Feather Friendly® The South Korean Ministry of Environment recently called for nationwide efforts to reduce bird deaths from glass collisions, estimating that about 8 million birds are killed in South Korea annually by colliding with transparent windows. Feather Friendly® has been...
We are honoured to form partnerships with organizations who demonstrate
an ongoing commitment to bird conservation.